Recesses of Me With OCD


In my brain I scream

Oh please, set me free!

But the jailer is always me.

Trapped inside my mind

 craving chats that bind.

“You’ll offend” fear lies.

Wait…did I?


You think I don’t care.

I stammer and stare.

Really, I long to share.

Yearning for our fate

To communicate,

secretly sensing we’re best mates.


What is wrong with me?

Is my inner plea.

Is this how I am destined to be?

An affection hoarder.

What keeps the border between you and me?


Oh yeah…I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Social Anxiety.


A life of its own.

I’ve learned to just let it be.

And live behind glass,

while longing to ask:

Let us bear our souls intimately. 

#OCD #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #MentalIllness #ChronicMentalIllness #HealingJourney #Poem



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